People who look different, live differently, and love differently are fighting hard for their opportunities in today’s world.
Understanding this, in our opinion, is a generational challenge, as the worldview and experiences of a 25-year-old differ significantly from those of a 50- or 80-year-old.
In the 1980s, individuals perceived as homosexual were beaten up in schoolyards. Women with short haircuts were insulted, and „lesbian“ was a slur, often unrelated to the sexuality of those targeted.
Phrases like „That’s so retarded“ were used to describe something unfavorable (and, sadly, sometimes still are). Those wearing headscarves face discrimination and rejection even today.
Even thoughts are judged—Albert Einstein was a quintessential „maverick thinker“ (completely unrelated to COVID), but now the term itself has become a derogatory label.
Some of our team members have personally experienced racism and exclusion.
Out of conviction, we advocate for a society that practices tolerance and equality of opportunity.
We live in a time where, at least in Germany and much of Europe, this is becoming common sense: gender, origin, skin color, religion, and sexual orientation should be freely chosen—peacefully and without violence.
The tech industry is a vibrant space, filled with fascinating people from all over the world and with diverse perspectives.
What makes us strong and unites us is our shared love for technology. As software engineers, we create a better world inside the computer.
Let’s build a better world out there as well.